Thursday, July 28, 2005

Army: Mental ills worsen after troops return
"Thirty percent of U.S. troops surveyed have developed stress-related mental health problems..."

Here are some veteran-specific statistics on the homeless from the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans:
23% of homeless population are veterans
47% Vietnam Era
89% received Honorable Discharge
76% experience alcohol, drug, or mental health problems

I guess I just can't get passed that "You're either for the war or against the troops" line of bull. Let's make sure we look out for our brothers and sisters when they come back from the "theater" (euphemism for "war zone") by paying attention to the relevant legislation, and hold our (s)elected leaders accountable.

- Vox

More on CAFTA
"The agreement, which passed the Senate in June, will eliminate trade barriers between the United States and five Central American countries -- Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica -- along with the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean."

Read the above, along with "Top Ten lies about CAFTA", from the July 27, 2005 post. - Vox

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Check out my new permanent link (right side of page, "Links")
Complete 911 Timeline
Very thorough.

- Vox



Roberts Has Backed Administration Policies
See Article
"Roberts voted with an unanimous three-member appeals court panel last Friday that put Bush's military tribunals in the war on terror back on track, clearing the way for the
Pentagon to resume trials for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

"Roberts issued a dissent in a preliminary decision against the Bush administration's efforts to keep secret records of Cheney's energy task force."

"He also joined in a decision last year to throw out a $959 million judgment for U.S. prisoners of war who say they were tortured by the Iraqi military during the 1991 Gulf War, ruling that Congress never authorized such lawsuits against foreign governments."
Refer to the article I posted about this on Tuesday, April 26, 2005, "American POWs lose claim vs. Iraq"

Remember, this is a LIFETIME position. Now that's job security. - Vox

Myths and Realities About the Patriot Act

House votes to extend Patriot Act

While we were distracted by the "botched" London bombings - Vox
"After measured deliberation and a public debate,..."Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said in a statement.

Public debate? I don't think this means what he thinks it means. Also refer to my June 13 post "MUST SEE - our gov't (in)action" ("How ironic: in a congressional debate over civil liberty concerns associated with the PATRIOT ACT, the committee Chairperson cuts off everyone's mike and walks out.") - Vox

New Saudi Ambassador Linked to bin Laden 9/11

Prince Turki, like Bandar Bush, is a leading member of the Royal Family and served as the head of Saudi intelligence for nearly a quarter of a century. Most recently, he was ambassador to London. His arrival in Washington is also likely to cause controversy. The prince was among several leading Saudi figures who were named in a $1 trillion lawsuit filed by the families of the victims of the September 11 attacks, who claimed that he helped to fund Osama bin Laden’s network. And, on at least 5 occasions, Prince Turki met personally with bin Laden and his lieutenants. He described bin Laden as “very soft- spoken” and “quite a pleasant man.” The Times of London reported in 2002 that before the 9/11attacks, diplomatic sources said that the Saudi Government had come under intense pressure from Washington to replace Prince Turki as head of Saudi intelligence because of his past association and support for bin Laden.

Top Ten lies about CAFTA

Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA),
"...CAFTA is a "classic outsourcing agreement" -- an arrangement in which the only significant U.S. export would be manufacturing jobs to poor, low-wage nations."

"CAFTA is the Wal-Mart of trade deals."

Good article. The devil is ALWAYS in the details. - Vox

Washington recasts terror war as 'struggle'
"The solution is "more diplomatic, more economic, more political than it is military,..."

No s#%t, Sherlock. And how many lives have been needlessly lost for you to figure this out? - Vox

Monday, July 25, 2005

Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression
"Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party."

Read on. - Vox

(Thanks, PK)

UK police say more innocents could die in bomb hunt
"British police say more members of the public could be shot in error as they escalate their battle against terrorism..."

Friday, July 22, 2005

Police State

Today, the subway station that I use to go to work had a police bag-check check-point. I am pissed. I didn't get stopped because I didn't have a bag today, but I worry about the day when I do get stopped. What will I say? What will I do? I do not agree with this policy. I do not choose to live in a police state, or under martial law, which is the next logical step.
Think about it: if this is what is being done absent any post-9/11 attack, and we're being hit over the head with how "inevitable" a post-9/11 attack is on NYC, then when an attack does occur the steps taken to "prevent" another attack will have to be greater than checking bags, right? And when it's realized that any suicide bomber had bombs strapped to a vest under their clothes, which couldn't possibly have been prevented by random bag searches, the next logical step would be what, metal detectors?
Not to mention the issue of profiling: ethnic, racial, religious.
This is all a RED-HERRING.


I do not waive my freedoms for security, PERIOD.

I just think this is all ridiculous.

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."

- Benjamin Franklin, American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer and Inventor. 1706-1790)

Riot control ray gun worries scientists

(Thanks, DB)
"What happens if someone in a crowd is unable for whatever reason to move away from the beam?"..."

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President (1901-09), 1858-1919

U.S. Criticized on Iraq Rebuilding

Iraqi and international officials contend that Washington's effort is not moving fast enough. More loans are pledged for reconstruction.,0,4136089,print.story?coll=la-home-headlines
"More than $6 billion in U.S. funds and billions more in Iraqi money have been spent so far, but the country's electricity supply is far from meeting demand; oil production is below prewar levels; and barely half of Iraqis report having access to safe, stable supplies of drinking water.Unemployment is estimated at between 25% and 50%; fuel and food subsidies have resulted in a significant budget deficit; U.S. and Iraqi audits have been unable to account for billions in spending (haha, spending. Interesting choice of words. - Vox); and at least three U.S. officials and scores of Iraqis, including two former government ministers, are facing corruption charges."

Some thoughts: When this lack of reconstruction in Iraq becomes a hot-button issue, the American people will be asked (forced) to pony up billions of more dollars, on top of the tens of billions of dollars that we've already been asked (forced) to contribute toward reconstruction. Now, we already now that billions of dollars have gone "missing", but where is the rest of our money going? TWO WORDS: WAR PROFITEERS. These corporations are making out like fat-cats at the expense of the lives of our brothers and sisters, because what does the reconstruction feet-dragging do?
It feeds the hatred.
It feeds the insurgency.
It feeds the insecurity.
It feeds our failure in Iraq.

(Also see my posts on April 6, 2005 ("Hasn't the reconstruction started yet?"), and March 31, 2005 ("On Iraq Reconstruction"))

- Vox

Monday, July 18, 2005

Crappy and the Crappy Factory

(Thanks, Nik)

The lack of creativity in Hollywood has reached new levels after watching the horribly inept Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The reasons I couldn't stand the movie are numerous; the Oompa Loompa(s) and their songs, the Willy Wonka character, the dialogue, the story.

I love Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and consider myself an expert on the subject, and I know this one is supposed to be a closer representation of the book than the original, but that's no excuse for Tim Burton et al to come up with this piece of crap. That being said, I'm sure the kids will love it.

Oh, Gene Wilder and Jack Albertson, where are you?

Friday, July 15, 2005

Unborn Babies Soaked in Chemicals, Survey Finds

Please read. - Vox
"The report by the Environmental Working Group is based on tests of 10 samples of umbilical cord blood taken by the American Red Cross. They found an average of 287 contaminants in the blood, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and the Teflon chemical PFOA."

8 Months after US-Led Siege, Insurgents Rise Again in Fallujah

Remember Fallujah?
"Some preferred the city quiet, purified of the gunmen and any militant aspect," said Abdul Jabbar Kadhim al-Alwani, 40, the owner of an automotive repair shop, expressing a widely held sentiment. "But after the unfairness and injustice with which the city's residents have been treated by the American and Iraqi forces, they now prefer the resistance, just so they won't be humiliated."

Random Thought

During the Russian quagmire in Afghanistan (the end of which resulted in their humiliating and costly defeat), the US created, armed and trained the Mujahadeen (and Osama bin Laden, but that's another story) to fight against Russia. This episode helped bring down the USSR and end the so-called "Cold War".

Now that the US is stuck in not one but TWO quagmires (in Iraq and Afghanistan), isn't it possible that Russia, China, certainly Iran are funding, arming, training and facilitating the resistance against US objectives (whatever they are), just to keep the US involved in these looong, drawn out, costly conflicts? I think it is not only possible but probable this is happening. And if it is, well than it's not just us against the "terrorists", or the "insurgents", or the Taliban; it's us against the world. I wonder, is this a tactic that can bring down the US? If we as citizens don't start to get actively involved in the process, it can. After all, it helped bring down the USSR.

Get actively involved. Get informed. Forget mad cow, we need to worry about the MAD HERRING!

- Vox


Japan Questioning Safety of U.S. Beef
"...a Ministry of Agriculture study showed nearly half of the 20 mad cow cases found in Japan would have passed unnoticed under U.S. testing methods,..."

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Did You Know?

Did you know that our illustrious former mayor, "Super-Rudy" Giuliani was a mere half-a-block away from where one of the bombs went off in London last week?


For all of you coincidence-theorists out there, read no further. You probably just finished smacking your head with your hand, exclaiming "Wow, isn't that somethin'!" But for those of you whose noses are a little more sensitive (meaning you smell something fishy), here is an an article about it.

So what. So he was in London. I don't know what it means. But I do think it's interesting.

Or maybe it only means this: If you ever hear of "Super-Rudy" in your city, HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!!

- Vox

Executed man's case reopened

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

CIA-backed tech can instantly spot terrorists in a crowd
"It does a reasonable job of matching people that sort of look alike," Pixlogic chief executive officer Joseph Santucci said.

Are you serious? Can you be any more vague? It sounds like the news headline has alot more confidence in the technology than the freakin' CEO of the company! - Vox

How do you propose that people stop behaving like sheep?

We as a people will behave less like sheep once we raise our standards of acceptable information. Critically viewing and questioning the information we currently receive is necessary to make those giving us the information step up to meet this demand. "I know what you say, but give me more!" instead of just "ok".

Also, adherence to (or recognition of) the spirit of our Constitution, to the spirit of skepticism (and distrust? Remember: CHECKS AND BALANCES) and independence discourages sheep-think.

From birth we are being conditioned to not think or question or to critically reason. Practically speaking, when we can be weaned away from the mainstream (mainstream media, culture, etc.) to other alternative sources of information about the world, we will be less inclined to be mindless sheep. Apparently (judging by the article in my previous post), sheep don't think about the ledge, they just go along blindly.

Some people like to use the example of the movie The Matrix. It's a good one, but I like to refer to a movie that's more fun and not as complex; Think of The Wizard of Oz. Remember when Dorothy and the rest of the group were standing before the Wizard of Oz (or so they thought)? They were scared S***-less. They had the sheep mentality. By that I mean The Wizard was the lead sheep. They didn't question him. If he said jump off the ledge, they would. But when Toto pulls back the little curtain, then the truth is revealed to them. What they thought was real and true wasn't so at all. After seeing the truth, that he ain't no Wizard, do you think they would jump off a ledge on his say so? I think not.

Point is, information is key. And you can get a little information through some investigation, and investigation begins with critical reasoning.

- Vox

Friday, July 08, 2005


This is pretty sad, but I think it's an appropriate metaphor for the mindset of our country today. - Vox
450 Sheep Jump to Their Deaths in Turkey
"First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds,...watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff,..."

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Biggie, finally R.I.P.?

Mistrial looms in Biggie case
A secret file and two tapes - in which a prison snitch says crooked cop Rafael Perez confessed he and rogue officer David Mack helped set up B.I.G.'s 1997 murder - were stashed in a detective's "middle desk drawer," family lawyer Perry Sanders Jr. said.
City lawyer Vincent Marella said Detective Steven Katz "just forgot they were in there"...

MLB, what the eff??
I can't stand this nationalization of baseball. It's a BAD IDEA. Baseball brings people from all over the world TOGETHER as a team. Now they're going to separate based on what? Country of birth? Country of citizenship? Country of preference? (i.e. the country that pays more?) For this reason, I'm not looking forward to the so-called "Baseball World Cup".
For the Home-Run Derby, can't I just watch guys try to blast HR's?? Why do they now have to be rep'ing (representing) a country??
- Vox

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Iraqi government acknowledges torture of detainees
"Iraq's government acknowledged that some of its new security forces could be resorting to the sort of torture and abuses of detainees seen under Saddam Hussein as they struggle to put down Sunni insurgents."
"These things happen..." Laith Kubba said in a news briefing after a report in Britain's Observer newspaper detailed allegations of death squads and secret torture centers.

Of course they do - Vox.

Americans too craven to die for their ideals
"Die for the idea called America? Many of us aren't willing even to conserve a little gasoline. Or pay our fair share of taxes. Or spend less than we earn."

Well said. - Vox

Friday, July 01, 2005


Officials to Survey Texas Herd for Mad Cow
..."The infected 12-year-old beef cow was born, raised and used for breeding at the same ranch and had never left the property, authorities said Thursday. They would not identify the ranch or the size of the herd."...