Saturday, June 26, 2010

Richie Perez & Grace Lee Boggs: Noteworthy Americans

As I continue to try to keep up with alternative non-corporate news, a couple of names pop up every now and again. When I hear these individuals speak and hear references made about them, I am reminded why I search out this type of news: BECAUSE IT IS RELEVANT. More relevant than the corporate controlled, self-censored gobbledygook from mainstream media sources.

These individuals are:

Richie Perez
Grace Lee Boggs

I have learned that Grace Lee Boggs walked with Martin AND Malcolm. She is a living, breathing text book of US history. Yet you rarely if ever hear her name.

As far as Richie Perez goes,
I constantly hear his name spoken reverentially by local social justice activists whom I greatly respect. People like Howard Jordan, Rosa Clemente, Brooklyn City Councilman Charles Barron. Eventually I was asking myself "Who IS this guy Richie Perez?" I wish I could have appreciated his contributions while he was still alive.

These two share at least two things in common:
1. They inspired and mentored a group of socially conscious, politically-aware young people who carry on their legacy today. And this makes them more relevant then the names and faces put in front of us on these pseudo-news channels.
2. They united communities of color, not divided them (which is probably a big reason for there omission in mainstream dialogue).

When I am reminded of who these people are, it reinforces my feelings that we are being spoon-fed, manipulated, brain-washed..."hood-winked, bamboozled, run amok, led astray" and all those other things Malcolm "said".


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