Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Palestine "Right of Return"

Baker panel's mention of Palestinian "right of return" raises eyebrows

Actual text from page 58 of the the Iraq Study Group Report:

"• Sustainable negotiations leading to a final peace settlement
along the lines of President Bush’s two-state solution, which
would address the key final status issues of borders, settlements,
Jerusalem, the right of return, and the end of conflict."

This reminded me of an article I read a few days ago:
'Israel should embrace, not fear, James Baker'
"James A. Baker III, the first president George Bush's blunt talking, arm-twisting secretary of state, is back. And his return is a cause of concern to many Israeli and American Jews who remember tough talk on Israel during his tenure."

I just thought this was interesting.

- Vox

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What an eff-ing farce!

Senate committee approves Gates nomination

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously approved President Bush's defense secretary nomination Tuesday and sent it to the full Senate for approval, the committee's outgoing chairman said."
"Sen. John Warner, R-Virginia, announced the committee's 24-0 decision after a closed session. The full Senate could vote Wednesday, but senators may not have an opportunity to vote until Thursday, depending on how many lawmakers want floor time to speak on the nomination, a Senate aide said."

This guy's nomination to be Director of the CIA was denied once and barely approved the second time. What makes him a UNANIMOUS approval for SECRETARY OF DEFENSE this time?? There's more evidence now than before showing that he fixed and manipulated intelligence during the Iran-Contra affair.

A one-day nomination hearing?
No witnesses?
NO discussion of his past AT ALL!

Secretary of Defense?? He has zero qualifications! He admittingly has no plan on what to do in Iraq. He gets his information (so he says) from the news. His being a part of the Iraq Study Group a coincidence? HA!! HE IS A TOOL. A tool for the neocons to move on to their next phase in Iraq.

- a pissed off Vox

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Congressman Faulted for Quran at Oath

New Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison drawing heat for taking ceremonial oath with Quran
"Keith Ellison, who will become the first Muslim member of Congress next month, has offended some conservatives with his plan to use the Quran during his ceremonial swearing-in. The decision by Ellison, D-Minn., to use the Muslim holy book for the ceremony instead of the Bible triggered an angry column by Dennis Prager on the Web site this week.

"Asked if it would be a problem for a Jewish lawmaker to take the oath on a Bible that included only the Old Testament, (Dennis) Prager responded, "Yes, it would," because he said the point is to honor the "Bible of this country.""


- Vox