Friday, September 29, 2006

Ten things you absolutely need to know about the torture & tribunal "compromise"

"1. It's not a compromise at all. It's everything the White House originally asked for, hidden by vague language and the facade of concessions that never actually happened."

..."3. While the "compromise" no longer suggests specific changes to the Geneva conventions, it gives George W. absolute authority to interpret the Geneva conventions. Repeat: It give GEORGE W. BUSH absolute authority to interpret the Geneva conventions. Which means that we are, in fact, throwing out the Geneva conventions entirely ... while the mainstream hucksters get to say that we are not."

..."9. The torture rules are being decided at the same time as the new fake "tribunal" system, and now a new attempt to legalize unlimited surveillance. Not only does this overwhelm well-informed people with the sheer magnitude of evil, but it limits and muddies the media coverage that any one of these issues would receive separately."

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Enron's Fastow gets 6-year sentence
"HOUSTON - Andrew Fastow, the mastermind behind financial schemes that doomed Enron Corp., was sentenced Tuesday to six years in prison — four years less than he had agreed to in a plea bargain — by a judge who felt he deserved leniency (emphasis added by Vox).
Fastow,...had agreed to serve a maximum 10-year term (emphasis added) when he pleaded guilty in 2004.
But the judge said he deserved a lighter sentence because Fastow has been persecuted after Enron's failure and because his family has suffered enough. Fastow's wife already has served a year for her role in the scandal.
"Prosecution is necessary, but persecution was not," U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt said. "These factors call for mercy.""

Arrrgh, those wheels of justice...

- Vox

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The New Iraq. Same as the Old Iraq?

27 die in mass Iraqi execution

"BAGHDAD, Sept. 8 (UPI) -- Twenty-six men and one woman were hanged in Iraq's first mass execution since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein."

"All the condemned had been convicted of terror and criminal charges, officials said. The executions were carried out at the Abu Ghraib prison where several gallows are erected, The Telegraph, a British newspaper, reported."

"Mass executions were stopped after coalition troops ousted Saddam three years ago. This new round came days after control of Abu Ghraib was handed back to Iraqi authorities."

- Vox

Friday, September 08, 2006

National scandal, national disgrace

Memos: NYC told Ground Zero air was unsafe

I wonder if everyone truly understands the depth of the air-quality deception perpetrated by all levels of gov't on 9/11/01.

Here we are looking at real-time, documented, undisputed events where our gov't, our elected leaders, those individuals given authority to act in our best interest have KNOWINGLY AND WILLFULLY condemned citizens to a life of debilitating health and ugly death. And this is no dramatization; when you're talking about dangerous levels of poisonous and toxic air-quality, you're not "hoping" people don't get sick! It is a CERTAINTY that people will get sick and die!

We're told to revere the events of 9/11, and make it mean something sacred and PATRIOTIC, SO WHAT DOES THAT MAKE WHAT THE'VE DONE??? AND ARE STILL DOING????

I'm talking about Christy Todd Whitman, who for all her "whistleblowing" after the fact, she willfully kept her mouth shut AND INTENTIONALLY LIED TO US about the air-quality in lower Manhattan. I'm talking about Rudy "America's Mayor" Giuliani and Pres. "War-time" Bush and his administration who essentially admit that financial interests trump health risks. I'm talking about the entire Bloomberg & Pataki-run state of New York, who keep dragging they're feet on acknowledging the illnesses and deaths that have resulted.

In the spirit of all that is 9/11, this is truly un-9/11-like.

- Vox