Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Enron's Fastow gets 6-year sentence
"HOUSTON - Andrew Fastow, the mastermind behind financial schemes that doomed Enron Corp., was sentenced Tuesday to six years in prison — four years less than he had agreed to in a plea bargain — by a judge who felt he deserved leniency (emphasis added by Vox).
Fastow,...had agreed to serve a maximum 10-year term (emphasis added) when he pleaded guilty in 2004.
But the judge said he deserved a lighter sentence because Fastow has been persecuted after Enron's failure and because his family has suffered enough. Fastow's wife already has served a year for her role in the scandal.
"Prosecution is necessary, but persecution was not," U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt said. "These factors call for mercy.""

Arrrgh, those wheels of justice...

- Vox


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