Monday, August 14, 2006

French fries back on House menu
"French fries are back on the menu in the US House of Representatives, three years after the name was ditched in favour of "freedom fries"."
"The patriotic name change hit the headlines at the time but the change back is getting much less coverage."

I am sooo embarrassed by this whole saga.

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better hope we never go to war with Mexico - all chicken burrito eating might be outlawed!

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, on a side note: you should read The Messianic Legacy, the sequel to Holy Blood Holy Grail - it was written almost 20 years ago, yet some of the things they are saying and warning about in the book, regarding Israel and their mindset,Islamic fundamentalists and the state of the world in general are quite interesting and strangely prophetic (although maybe not so much prophetic as just they could see the writing on the wall)

2:05 PM  

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