Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Roberts Has Backed Administration Policies
See Article
"Roberts voted with an unanimous three-member appeals court panel last Friday that put Bush's military tribunals in the war on terror back on track, clearing the way for the
Pentagon to resume trials for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

"Roberts issued a dissent in a preliminary decision against the Bush administration's efforts to keep secret records of Cheney's energy task force."

"He also joined in a decision last year to throw out a $959 million judgment for U.S. prisoners of war who say they were tortured by the Iraqi military during the 1991 Gulf War, ruling that Congress never authorized such lawsuits against foreign governments."
Refer to the article I posted about this on Tuesday, April 26, 2005, "American POWs lose claim vs. Iraq"

Remember, this is a LIFETIME position. Now that's job security. - Vox


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