Monday, February 20, 2006

Another R: New York school has an unusual mission
"The School for Human Rights is one of nearly 150 "small" public schools that opened through special initiatives in New York City in the last three years. While it's normal to find human rights discussed in schools (a segment on the Holocaust is a classic lesson) a whole academy built around the concept is rare. This one is being watched carefully by groups such as Amnesty International USA and the Human Rights Education Associates, which have long sought ways to influence educational curricula and were involved in the school's planning."
..."On any given day, students in the Brooklyn school tackle topics ranging from colonialism to the United Nations. Administrators look for ways to make the human rights framework apply to more than just class discussions."

I believe we need more of these alternative curriculums, to teach what is relevant to keeping our democracy going.

- Vox


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