Sunday, February 19, 2006

Constitutional over-reach?

Puerto Rico Moves Closer to Smoking Ban
"Though common in the United States, smoking restrictions are still relatively rare and mild farther south."
..."But none goes as far as Puerto Rico, which would also ban smoking in cars carrying passengers younger than 13."(emphasis added by Vox)

Ban smoking in cars? This is not like making it illegal to not wear a seat belt. I'm no fan of smoking, mind you, but smoking has nothing to do with the safe operation of a vehicle. Maybe it's just me, but this strikes me as a blatant invasion of privacy. The next step is making it illegal to smoke in your own home.

What irks me is that I still hear that there is a scientific "debate" over just how harmful second hand smoke is, that it's just a myth (just shows you how powerful the tobacco lobby still is, that they can manipulate science). But if the legislature of Puerto Rico is convinced enough to take this unprecedented step, couldn't they do something else? Something that doesn't infringe on our right to privacy? My feeling is that this is just a test-case; an experiment to see if the gov't can get away with it. It won't be too long before you start hearing about this in the states.

- Vox


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