Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tough stance, incompetence or...Conspiracy to feed an insurgency?

U.S. Risks Reporter's Life to Strike Tough Pose
"According to Iraqi officials, U.S. officials delayed the scheduled release of six female prisoners whom they knew had already been found innocent because of the kidnappers' demand for their release. Then they refused to speed up the review of the files of the five remaining female prisoners, in violation of a policy of giving priority to females in the review of detainee files for release."
"Had the normal policy been followed, it is very likely that all the women held by the United States would have been released by now (emphasis added by Vox). By delaying the releases of female detainees to strike a tough anti-terrorism pose, the administration has increased the risk to Jill Carroll's life."

This pattern of mistakes and mis-steps in Iraq (remember "Yet another version of the Koran desecration story" (aka "oops, I accidentally pissed on your Koran"), posted Tuesday, May 17, 2005) should make us wonder if they're truly trying to stop the insurgency at all or intentionally fanning it's flames.

- Vox


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