Friday, November 04, 2005

Please tell me again, why are we there?

For all of you champions of a "sovereign" and "independent" Iraq:
Talabani: Iraq cannot stop US using bases against Syria
"Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said he opposed military action against neighbouring Syria but lacked the power to prevent US troops from using his country as a launchpad if it chose to do so." (emphasis by Vox)
"I categorically refuse the use of Iraqi soil to launch a military strike against Syria or any other Arab country,...But at the end of the day my ability to confront the US military is limited and I cannot impose on them my will."

Gee, what is this called? A MILITARY OCCUPATION! (hmm, if a country is occupied by a foreign military that it does not control, is it truly "democratic"?)

- Vox


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