Thursday, October 20, 2005

Military life in Iraq - A hint of the truer picture

Are British troops at breaking point in Iraq?
..."Mr Blair keeps on saying that everything is getting better here. Perhaps he would care to come and see for himself. He is pretty good at sending other peoples' sons to Iraq." (Hey, that's our line! - Vox)

"Pte Samuels' decision to leave the Army may be a particularly significant landmark. A war hero, he was decorated for saving lives during the ambush which earned his comrade Pte Johnson Beharry a Victoria Cross. But he told The Independent yesterday that he decided to leave the moment he was told his unit would be returning to Iraq.
"I couldn't do that," he said, "Not straight away like that. It would be different if they were sending me to somewhere like Afghanistan ­ but not Iraq, right now. The stress for the guys out there is immense. They are seeing so much bad stuff. I owed it to my family to call it a day."

And these are the British troops who, allegedly, have always been stationed in the south, in the calmer parts of Iraq! - Vox


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