Friday, October 21, 2005

The second coming of...Scott Ritter

You whine "...but EVERYONE thought there were WMD in Iraq, so EVERYONE was wrong." No, not everyone. Not me. I didn't think Iraq had WMD. I didn't believe the BS the administration was spewing. Why didn't I think that? Mainly because of this man: Scott Ritter, a former UNSCOM weapons inspector (that was the group actually IN Iraq looking for these weapons).
They knocked him down, but he's coming back with
a new book! I don't even need to have read it yet to recommend it to anyone who wants to hear sound, reasoned ideas and opinions backed up by FACT and EXPERIENCE that dispute what you're hearing everywhere else.
I just finished listening to an interview he had on Democracy Now! and he's as interesting to listen to as always. I'm going to get his new book asap.


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