Friday, September 29, 2006

Ten things you absolutely need to know about the torture & tribunal "compromise"

"1. It's not a compromise at all. It's everything the White House originally asked for, hidden by vague language and the facade of concessions that never actually happened."

..."3. While the "compromise" no longer suggests specific changes to the Geneva conventions, it gives George W. absolute authority to interpret the Geneva conventions. Repeat: It give GEORGE W. BUSH absolute authority to interpret the Geneva conventions. Which means that we are, in fact, throwing out the Geneva conventions entirely ... while the mainstream hucksters get to say that we are not."

..."9. The torture rules are being decided at the same time as the new fake "tribunal" system, and now a new attempt to legalize unlimited surveillance. Not only does this overwhelm well-informed people with the sheer magnitude of evil, but it limits and muddies the media coverage that any one of these issues would receive separately."


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello VoxInfo and all,

Understanding and fixing the failings of politics and democracy for the benefit of everyone, everywhere

Politics is little more than greed, arrogance, falsehood, hero-worship, and injustice taken to extremes and organized into teams (nations, parties, interest groups, etc). It is the struggle for your group, hero, and viewpoint so you can profit at the expense of others. This forces others to do the same in self-defense, causing an endless loop, downward spiral, and no-gain effect. When money, religion, and politics are intermingled, they form a true inescapable trap or bottomless pit. It is the opposite of compassion, cooperation, justice, and wisdom and causes you to expend dramatically more effort, time, and resources than necessary to achieve lesser results than are possible when you simply cooperate and have compassion, empathy, and charity for each other. Harmony and cooperation are on the perfect path, while politics, religion and money are ignorance, strong lies, strong delusion, and utter folly.

The primary, though hidden purpose of politics is to effectively divide and conquer populations who support and participate in these great delusions. Politics serves to dramatically slow and confound progress towards common and common-sense goals that most people want to achieve. This is one of the reasons why major problems persist for centuries. When people finally cooperate to solve problems for the good of all, problems will finally be solved and stay solved. On the other hand, participating in and supporting politics causes problems to persist and even to reappear later, though they were apparently solved previously. Because of the ability of those who also control money and religion to reverse past progress and prevent true cooperation, politics is a great deception and a trap and the opposite of truth, wisdom, and justice.


...and here...


8:38 PM  

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