Monday, June 12, 2006

Where is the OUTRAGE?

The US gov't and the ostriches-with-their-heads-in-the-sand have sunk to new lows with this al-Zarqawi execution.

We basically dropped two 500-lb bombs on his house, blowing up his family. Is that what we've become?
"The total casualties in the strike included three males and three females; one of the females was a child between the ages of 5 and 7,..."
So let's read between the lines: We know that it was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Sheik Abdul-Rahman (his spiritual adviser), a third male and three females. His mother? Wife? Sister? Daughter? Niece? We are celebrating the possibility that we murdered 4 innocent people to get two so-called "bad guys"! Should we be proud? Is it worth it to you? Do you even know how you were fooled into believing what al-Zarqawi was? What are we, Israel? We'll level a city block full of innocents just to get ONE GUY?

Was he a "bad guy"? Maybe.
Did he have blood on his hands? Possibly.
But where is the moral high ground? Are we so weak and gutless and conviction-less that we believe the only way to beat the "evil-doers" is to join the "evil-doers"?
We have sunk further into the abyss and I am ashamed.

- Vox


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