Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Iraq kidnappings? I have to laugh...

I'm sorry, but some of the stuff that gets reported to us unquestioned is laughable.
Police impostors kidnap 50 in Baghdad
Read this carefully (all emphasis added by Vox):
"BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Gunmen posing as Iraqi police commandos raided three transportation companies and kidnapped 50 people Monday in Baghdad,..."
"The kidnappers were wearing police commando uniforms and driving at least 13 vehicles with Iraqi police markings,..."
"Officials said the raid, which took at least an hour to complete, began on a street in central Baghdad's Salihiya district."
"It is unclear why Iraqi police did not notice the raid happening on a busy street in the capital."

My thoughts (and part of my curse of skepticism):
We are expected to believe that "impostors" (insurgents? Al Qaida? Whatever, because the obvious implication is that they are not the "good guys" because they are police "impostors") successfully kidnapped 50 people off a busy Baghdad street, using 13 cars (cars all with "police markings". Authentic police markings? Interestingly, this article doesn't say)? And the "real" Baghdad police knew nothing?
If you take this story on face value, than you deserve to government we have.
We know that their are official gov't-sanctioned"death squads" throughout Iraq, who are uniformed and have access to gov't assets and equipment AND who have infiltrated the police. Plus, the British Basra incident has never been publicly explained. My theory: This was an operation carried out either by the Baghdad police or with their full knowledge and assistance. Who knows how many of these 50 kidnapped people we will hear of turning up dead over the upcoming months only to have their deaths then blamed on "insurgents" or Al Qaida, in order to further foment unrest (or the appearance of) in Iraq?

- Vox


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