Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Marines and a 'massacre' in Iraq,,3-2199287,00.html#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=World
This cannot be ignored.
"As Iman tells it, US marines burst into her house 15 minutes after the bomb destroyed the Humvee, apparently looking for insurgents. They shouted at her father. Then a grenade was thrown into her grandparents’ room. She saw her mother hit by shrapnel. Her aunt grabbed a baby and ran from the house.
Soldiers opened fire inside the living room, where most of the family were gathered. Her uncle Rashid came downstairs, saw what was happening, then fled outside, where he was pursued by Marines and shot.
“Everybody who was in the house was killed by the Americans except my brother Abdul-Rahman and me,” Iman said. “We were too scared to move and tried to hide under a pillow. I was hit by shrapnel in my leg. For two hours we didn’t dare to move. My family didn’t die immediately. We could hear them groaning.”

Who's to blame? War is hell and all of that, but aren't we supposed to be "better" than this? After all, isn't that supposedly the reason why we're there? This is what Saddams Iraq looked like.

Bring the troops home now.

- Vox


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