Monday, August 08, 2005

Men of Principle
"There's no way to apologize for such a sin.", "...I am a man of principle..."
— Giants manager Felipe Alou

The quote:
"I just cannot watch this brand of baseball any longer," (KNBR's Larry) Krueger said. "A truly awful, pathetic, old team that only promises to be worse two years from now. It's just awful. It really is bad to watch. Brain-dead Caribbean hitters hacking at slop nightly."

Still not quite sure if Felipe is blowing the above quote out of proportion or not, but I definitely support his hard-line stance.
It seems that in our society today, you have the choreographed dance of offensive remark/action leading to soft-shoe response of faux shock and alarm leading to well-scripted apology/show of contrition (maybe) leading to the offended party's well-scripted acceptance (chest pumped out like they just accomplished something) leading to the offense being forgotten, only for the dance to be repeated again and again from the beginning.

Don't let it slide Felipe. We need more men of principle.

- Vox


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