Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Progress in Afghanistan?

Taleban coming in from the cold
"In return for promising to give up violence and pledging support to the government of Hamid Karzai, they are granted an amnesty.
If someone approaches US troops asking to join the scheme "we'll take some data down on him", explains Col Cheek, "and make a formal declaration".

"Then we'll send him on his way and if he's good to his word, he'll be all right.""

Bomb links
But American commanders have gone further with this reconciliation drive. In some cases, they have released militants from US detention.
In his area, Col Cheek has set free a man allegedly linked to several bomb attacks. The man has subsequently been appointed as a local police chief in one eastern province.
Col Cheek admits he had doubts about the move, but "as it's turned out, it's been a very positive measure - the security's much better there, the populace are very pleased with how he is doing".
More controversially, he has released another man directly implicated in an attack that killed five people last year in Paktika province, including a popular local doctor."...

Question: If this man was allegedly linked or directly implicated in an attack that killed an American soldier, would he be released? - Vox


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