Thursday, November 09, 2006


Repubs lose TOTAL CONTROL of our government! Rummy gone! I must admit, I did not think it would happen.

To Rummy: Good riddance you eff-ing cur. You've been a disgrace. You war criminal. I hope you have good lawyers! (yes, I'm sure you do)

Not a bad week.

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNOW!!! I'm feeling oddly hopeful, Vox, not that I think the Dems are SO much better, but at least the totalalitarian-like control seems to be crumbling..between the gay drug addled preachers and congressmen getting outed, Britney dumping Kevin, Rummy falls...what's next? I say we toast to a possible new beginning tomorrow at..hmmm...a Mexican place?

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dogs and cats living in peace and harmony??

A Mexican place??? You BLOCKHEAD!!

- Vox

1:41 PM  

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