Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina Aftermath

I am getting more enraged with each passing day as I watch the chaos down south.
In this so-called "post-9/11 era", where billions of dollars is allegedly being spent on our emergency response, our preparedness, our reaction to disasters, what's going on in New Orleans and Mississippi is inexplicable and indefensible!
Forget the fact that it was a natural disaster that caused all the destruction. It could have just as easily been a terrorist bomb blowing up the levees holding back the lake waters, so that's irrelevant.
The response of the planners at FEMA and the National Guard, and the lack of a solid evacuation plan or survival plan plan is disgraceful and shameful.
Now the focus is on the "lawlessness" and the "anarchy" going on among the residents. Talk about a RED HERRING! The focus should be on the fact that people are not being fed, clothed, treated medically.
You can't ignore the racial aspect of this disaster. In a state that is 32% black or African American, the Orleans area is almost 70% (see demographics). It's naive, foolish or worse to think that this is irrelevant or a coincidence.
As far as not casting blame, that a load of crap. Notice how that usually comes from those who the blame should fall directly on.
BLAME = ACCOUNTABILITY. Lets see how far up the accountability ladder we go this time. My hunch is not that far.
This is unacceptable. Don't fall for the BS. WE MUST EXPECT MORE FROM OUR COUNTRY, OUR HOME!

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more. In this so called rich nation we fail to have the necessary resources to take care of our own people. Maybe - this is a wild idea - we should stop trying to meddle in otheer people's business so much wasting time, effort and lives fixing problems we created.
Oh now I'm mad....


11:22 AM  

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