Tuesday, August 02, 2005

On Profiling Arabs

2 NY Officials Back Terror Check Profiling
"Arabs should be targeted for searches on city subways, two elected officials said..."
""They all look a certain way," said (Dov) Hikind, a Democrat from Brooklyn."
"(James) Oddo commended Hikind for "rushing headlong against the strong undertow of political correctness.""

These are 2 bigoted-ass elected officials who should be UNelected once their terms are up. It's a disgrace that they find the concept of equal-protection and just plain fairness to be merely "politically correct".

Profiling Arabs will make us safer? Hmmm, Let's see...
Baruch Kappel Goldstein (Where ya at, Dov?) - "who was responsible for killing 29 Muslim civilians and injuring approximately 100 in a 1994 mass shooting attack"
Timothy McVeigh - Oklahoma City bomber, "hundreds were injured and 167 men, women and children died..."
Eric Robert Rudolph - The Olympic Park bomber, "...who committed a series of bombings across the southern United States, resulting in the deaths of three people and injuries to at least 150 others.
Theodore John Kaczynski - the Unibomber, killing three and wounding 29

Yeah, right.

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of contradictory to be racial profiling when your own state assembly biography describes you as "A spokesman against discrimination of any kind." AND as having chaired the Assembly's Subcommitee on Human Rights... Hmm, discriminition of any kind against WHO? Human rights, WHICH humans? He needs to update HIS profile on his state assembly page.


6:45 AM  

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