Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hamas, Fatah battle over election results
"But thousands of Fatah supporters, who held protests across Gaza,...called on Fatah's veteran leadership to resign over the debacle. "Corrupt Fatah leaders who caused the election defeat must resign. Fatah must renew itself," one protester shouted through a loudspeaker."

So let me get this straight: In a stunning defeat, incumbent Fatah lost the majority of Palestinian parliamentary seats to the terrorist organization Hamas. This electoral loss, in which all the chips were stacked in Fatah's favor, was due to their corrupt leadership? And THIS is the group WE (the U.S.) were supporting? That figures.

This could simply signal an expression of the Palestinian people's dissatisfaction with their direction and current leadership. Perhaps they feel they are being boxed in, or "walled" in, and want a change, a better life. Or perhaps the attitudes of a majority of the Palestinian people are not so dissimilar to the stance of Hamas, as opposed to the appeasement of Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas. Remember, they are terrorists from the outside perspective, but to themselves, they are revolutionaries.
(more on this)

- Vox


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