Thursday, May 05, 2005

Afghanistan: The model democracy

Afghan fighting 'leaves 50 dead'
"Correspondents say that fighting on Wednesday near Spin Ghar in Kandahar province resulted in the worst losses suffered so far by the country's US-trained army.
"These were well-trained, well-armed people... not just a rogue group," he said, "and they didn't flee, they stood and fought.""

Remember that we're being told by our president that we've got the Taliban and al Quada on the run. The so-called elected government in both Afghanistan and Iraq is just a charade. A smokescreen to feed those hungry for THE HERRING. - Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally lost as to what you mean by "the Herring". It's only fair that you define that for us that are unaware of what this is. My numerous searches on the internet have turned nothing. I defined "the list", define "the herring".


12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOYAL Voxinfo readers know what I mean when I refer to the herring (For a hint, check my post on March 4, 2005).
- Vox

4:35 PM  

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