Sunday, April 02, 2006

On the immigration "debate"

I think that this "debate" on immigration is intentionally being misdirected. The debate is being framed as a matter of immigration, when in actuality, it is not a matter of immigration at all, but A MATTER OF SLAVE LABOR.

Check it: For some reason, it's now popular to believe that the jobs (Mexican) immigrants work are jobs that Americans citizens "don't want" or "are unwilling to take". This is untrue and insulting. The fact is this: An employer will not pay someone $20/hr, when they can pay someone else less than half that amount.

So this "debate" is being spun to ignite individual's passion's regarding immigration (once again "us" vs "them"), which is convenient in this climate of fearing anything and anyone who is "different". Immigrants are an easy target. But this is the RED-HERRING. What this legislation is really about is an employer's right to continue to pay low-wages (off the books with no healthcare or anything else) to those with no ground to stand on. An American worker has labor laws which protect them, but WHERE IS THE LEGISLATION PROTECTING THE WAGES OF THE SO-CALLED GUEST WORKER? You won't find it, because there is NO WAY corporate America is going to be prevented from hiring cheap, slave labor. They even say as much when they imply how many businesses will shut down if they had to pay a decent, livable wage.

And that is what this debate should be about: An employer's right to not only ignore the needs of American citizens but continue to take advantage of migrant workers.

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you on that.....

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting observation one of which I definitely agree with you on.

8:02 AM  

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