Sunday, March 05, 2006

Spying program illegal, Senate committee told
"A group of legal specialists told a Senate committee that President George W. Bush's domestic spying program is illegal and may set a precedent that allows wartime presidents to break laws freely in the name of national security."

"...the theory used by the administration "could equally justify mail openings, burglary, torture, or internment camps, all in the name of gathering foreign intelligence. Unless rebuked, it will lie around like a loaded weapon ready to be used by any incumbent who claims an urgent need.""

The reasoning of those who agree with the President is even more frightening:

"...a former CIA director, R. James Woolsey, who served under President George H.W. Bush, said the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 transformed all of the United States into a battlefield, and that Congress could not restrict a president's constitutional power to conduct war as the commander in chief sees fit."
""Unlike the Cold War, our intelligence requirements are not just overseas," Woolsey said. "The country has been invaded, though of course not occupied, and defending against an invasion is at the heart of the president's powers."

So by this reasoning, the "Law of the land" is at the whim of ONE MAN, THE PRESIDENT. Gee, this sounds alot like an Autocracy, or a Dictatorship, or Authoritarianism. This certainly is not the way to act in a Republic .

- Vox

P.S. - The US Government is always using 9/11 as an excuse for going buc-wild, expanding it's powers of oppression both at home and abroad. Feeling as I do that it was elements in this same government that assisted in the orchestration of 9/11 is even more disturbing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And i wonder how long this "buc-wild" 911 excuserationalreasoning (E.R.R.) will be the fuel we use to fly "our" ideas and impose them upon a people and a land. Right after "it" (911, of course) it was quite the often that many were accepting of it...the 911 E.R.R...but these days, it just sounds plain old ridiculous...when will more folks see the (E.R.R.)or of "our" ways...Wake up.


10:29 PM  

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