Saturday, March 11, 2006

PIN Scandal "Worst Hack Ever;" Citibank Only The Start

PIN Scandal "Worst Hack Ever;" Citibank Only The Start
"But Citibank is only the tip of the iceberg,...The scam -- and scandal -- has hit national banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Washington Mutual, as well as smaller banks, including ones in Oregon, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, all of which have re-issued debit cards in recent weeks."

Read the other article too (linked within the above article):
International Citibank Customers Shaken By Data Breach
"Citigroup is by no means alone in its inability to protect customer data. In fact, the list is extensive, and growing. Ameriprise Financial in January revealed that unencrypted data, including Social Security numbers of 226,000 customers and employees, was stolen from a laptop. Some H&R Block customers rang in the New Year by finding out that their Social Security numbers were included in the tracking number used to mail them packages containing the company's TaxCut software. Kaiser Permanente last year was fined $200,000 for a data breach that affected 150 customers."

If you think this is only limited to "international customers", I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Could Restrict Freedom of the Press

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How safe our our secrets?,1,123362.story?coll=chi-news-hed

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Analysis: States steadily restricting info

5:43 PM  

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