Monday, January 23, 2006

The unacknowledged movement

Morales begins to form government
"Morales, who counts Cuba's Fidel Castro and President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela as his political allies, is the latest leftist in Latin America to be swept to power by people weary of sluggish economies and free-market policies."

There is a movement going on that we are not being made aware of. This movement will effect our foreign and domestic policy more than anything except maybe this so-called "war on terror."
This movement is an anti-American, anti-capitalist, pro-populist movement taking over South America, and it's only a matter of time before it reaches as far north as Mexico. With the failed promises of NAFTA, and the false promises of FTAA, this movement has growing.
We're being brainwashed to believe Hugo Chavez and Morales are unstable Socialists who hate freedom and democracy. But populists have taken over Latin America, and they're loudly saying NO! to the expansion of US capitalism (which is modern day colonialism).

More on
Evo Morales.
Chile elects first female leader:
"Bachelet's victory adds to a leftward shift in Latin American politics.
Leftists hold presidential power in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela."

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morales is most noted for eschewing the standard suit-and-tie in favor of a more relaxed look featuring cosy sweaters a la Bill Cosby. Not surprisingly, the cosy sweater has become an overnight fashion sensation in Venezuela. They can't weave them fast enough!

(Note: this is not one of my "jokes" - I'm being deadly serious. For once.)

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(can I just add that when I wrote "Venezuela" it was, of course, a secret code word meaning "Bolivia")

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I knew what you meant. (Does that make me weird?)

- Vox

10:06 PM  

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