Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Saddam TV - Big Mistake

The "trial" of Saddam Hussein has just started and as I was watching the proceedings on TV, I'm thinking...Why? A big deal was made out of having this televised, particularly in Iraq. Why? Do people actually think they'll see this big bully break down and cry (after all, it's not like he's being interviewed by Barbara Walters)? Do people think that we will see a humiliated Saddam? A contrite Saddam? A repentant Saddam? Do people want to show the New Iraq justice system at work? Well, it can't be that because since they don't have a Constitution yet, they don't actually have a "new" justice system. What system of justice is now in place in this "fledgling democracy"? Does anyone know? Is it the Paul Bremmer-CPA System? Or perhaps the old Saddam-era system (gasp! How ironic that would be!).
I think anyone who looks beyond the TV screen knows this trial is a farce. After all, what is he on trial for anyway? For ordering the killing of 143 Shia men in 1982. We invaded a country to oust Jeffrey Dahmer? What about the gassing of "his own people" and the raperooms and the general "evilness" that made him Public Enemy #1? There had better be more to come.
And the fact is Saddam is one tough cookie who ruthlessly and murderously ruled a country for decades. You don't do this by being a dummy. He can probably match wits with anyone in that courtroom. I think putting him "on trial" and in front of a camera will only martyr him and strengthen the resolve of his loyalists and supporters in Iraq, those so-called "insurgents" who are killing our servicemen and women.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree - in fact I used the exact same word (viz. farce) to describe this trial.

3:00 PM  

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