Wednesday, October 19, 2005

ANTHRAX!!! (No, not the Heavy Metal group)

Hmmm...what ever happened to...

Remember, way back, shortly after September 11, the Anthrax "attacks"? Oh yeah, I know you do. You just needed to be prodded a little bit. I understand. Out of sight, out of mind (or I should say "Off the headlines, out of mind, never happened").
Does anyone else find it the least bit curious that we have no clue (well, I have a clue) who sent out these envelopes containing Anthrax, nor do we seem to care.
The whole Anthrax episode just illustrates how our fears are stoked for political purposes (PROTECT US!! PROTECT US!!), and that we are merely puppets on a string. We are puppets on a string because we allow ourselves to act that way, taking everything at face value, QUESTIONING NOTHING! Nothing at all.

Just ask yourself. Especially those of you who live in NYC: What was up with those Anthrax attacks?...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep! They were something similar to the Subway Scare of the two weeks ago...a farce..a RED HERRING!! A tool to keep some of us (those of us who choose not to be educated)towing the line, along with the rest of the sheep...BAAAA I say to the Fear Mongers!!

5:23 PM  

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