Monday, September 12, 2005

It's all racial

You know, not to sound alarmist and lose what little credibility I have, but I have an opinion:
I ask myself:
Why the militarization of New Orleans? Battle-hardened soldiers "locked and loaded", Blackwater mercenaries (the best, most highly-trained professional killers in the world).
Why the aggressive media lock-down of the area? The same type you see in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why the spin? Not the spin that you're seeing in the media, but the covert spin in the streets?

My answer: Both the state and federal gov't are doing everything in their power to avoid a RACE-RIOT the likes of which hasn't been seen since Rodney King. If you listen to certain people that have been on the ground since the beginning of this catastrophy, they'll tell you how close the area came to having one in the aftermath of the hurricane, and my sense is that feelings haven't yet calmed.
Stories of white vigilantes roving around certain areas seeming to have carte blanche to carry (and use) weapons, talking about protecting property and enforcing the law, while authorities are coming down hard on blacks.
There are things going on on the ground in New Orleans that we are not hearing about and most may never hear about, because most don't want to hear about it, and deny it exists. If nothing else, this episode emphasizes that we do live in TWO AMERICAS. You can euphemistically say the problem has to do with economics if you can't stomach reality, but what it all boils down to is race and the LEGACY OF SLAVERY.

Please, all comments welcome.

- Vox


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Vox, I have to admit that I haven't been following the latest developments as closely as I should have. The truth is that it makes me sad that this could happen this day and age in the "richest" nation in the world. We shouldn't lose sight of why this started in the first place, the lack of response, the lack of preparedness, take your pick.


10:35 AM  

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